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(Roads with sidewalks: Whoops, wrong vertex counts)
m (Roads without sidewalks: Bah, wrond vertex count)
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  struct Walkway
  struct Walkway
     bit                   lastAttribute;
     bit                         lastAttribute;
     bit[4]               type = 0x02;
     bit[4]                     type = 0x02;
     bit[3]               subtype = 0x00;
     bit[3]                     subtype = 0x00;
     bit[8]               padding = 0x00;
     bit[8]                     padding = 0x00;
     ushort               nSections;
     ushort                     nSections;
     ushort[nSections * 2] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list
     ushort[(nSections + 1) * 2] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list
  struct Walkway
  struct Walkway
     bit                 lastAttribute;
     bit                       lastAttribute;
     bit[4]             type = 0x02;
     bit[4]                   type = 0x02;
     bit[3]             subtype != 0x00;
     bit[3]                   subtype != 0x00;
     bit[8]             padding = 0x00;
     bit[8]                   padding = 0x00;
     ushort[subtype * 2] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list
     ushort[(subtype + 1) * 2] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list

Revision as of 15:31, 26 December 2006


Most block attributes are built in a similar way, all share a bit indicating that the attribute is the last one in the block, all have a four bit type indicator and all have a three bit sub type indicator. These parameters form the first byte of the first ushort of the attribute data. The second byte is always zero.

Attribute type field
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (=0) Last Type Subtype

Typically, the subtype indicates the number of something for the attribute, for example, the number of points in a triangle fan, the number of cross-sections in a road and so on. The subtype zero usually means that the counter is instead stored in the following uword in the attribute data.

Attribute types
Type Subtype Description
0x00 n Road with sidewalks
0x01 n Sidewalk strip
0x02 n Road without sidewalks
0x03 4 Sliver
0x04 ? ?
0x05 n Road triangle fan
0x06 n Triangle fan
0x07 4 Facade bound
0x08 n Divided road
0x09 0 Junction tunnel/railing
0x09 3 Road tunnel/railing
0x0a n Texture reference
0x0b 6 Facade
0x0c n Roof triangle fan
0x0d ? ?
0x0e ? ?
0x0f ? ?

Common attributes

Most attributes of the PSDL-file are specialized, created for a specific purpose. Some, however, are general attributes with several uses. This section describes them.

Texture references

Most geometry primitives use texture mappings. The textures are identified by attributes of type 0xa. The data is just one byte and a padding zero byte. The byte is an eight bit index in the list of materials. In order to be able to use more than 256 textures, the subtype indicates a value to add to the byte to get the real index. This formula can be used to compute the real index, n: n = data + (256 * subtype) - 1. The data value 0 in subtype 0 is special, it is used in both SF and London, but the effect is unknown.

Several block attributes use more than one texture. In most cases the texture attribute references the first texture in a list. This texture index is referenced to as texture n and block attributes sometimes uses texture index n, n + 1, n + 2, n + 3 and so on.

In a pseudo-C style structure, the texture attributes look like this:

struct TextureReference
    bit    lastAttribute;
    bit[4] type = 0x0a;
    bit[3] subtype;
    bit[8] padding = 0x00;
    ushort data;

Triangle fans

Triangle fan attribute

To create ground surfaces triangle fans are usually used. These are constructed by a list of vertices surrounding a pivot vertex in a counter-clockwise order. Often the triangle fan is degenerated to a convex polygon. This means that the pivot vertex is located on the perimeter of the attribute.

Triangle fan attributes have type 0x06 and the sub type indicates the number of triangles present in the triangle fan. Sub type zero is special and means that the total number of vertices are stored in the following uword. Of course, there are no actual coordinates listed in the attribute, instead each uword in the data is an index in the vertex list of the PSDL file.

struct TriangleFan
    bit               lastAttribute;
    bit[4]            type = 0x06;
    bit[3]            subtype = 0x00;
    bit[8]            padding = 0x00;
    ushort            nVertices; 
    ushort[nVertices] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list
struct TriangleFan
    bit                 lastAttribute;
    bit[4]              type = 0x06;
    bit[3]              subtype != 0x00;
    bit[8]              padding = 0x00;
    ushort[subtype + 2] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list


In a racing game, the roads are one of the most important features. There are several geometric primitives for defining roads, this section describes them.

Roads without sidewalks

0x10-0x17 Rectangle strip.jpg

For walkways and narrow alleys without sidewalks the attributes with id 0x02 is used. The data in the attribute defines the road by pairs of vertices - cross sections of the road. The sub type defines the number of cross sections the road consists of. If the sub type is zero, the following ushort gives the number of cross sections.

struct Walkway
    bit                         lastAttribute;
    bit[4]                      type = 0x02;
    bit[3]                      subtype = 0x00;
    bit[8]                      padding = 0x00;
    ushort                      nSections;
    ushort[(nSections + 1) * 2] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list
struct Walkway
    bit                       lastAttribute;
    bit[4]                    type = 0x02;
    bit[3]                    subtype != 0x00;
    bit[8]                    padding = 0x00;
    ushort[(subtype + 1) * 2] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list

Roads with sidewalks

0x00-0x07 Road strip.jpg

The most common roads in an MM2 city are the ones with sidewalks on both sides. These are easily defined using cross-sections of the road. Attribute 0x00 defines cross sections of the particular road segment.

The vertices in each cross section are organized like this: First comes the vertex defining the position of the outer edge of the left sidewalk, then follows the outer edge of the left road surface, the outer edge of the right road surface and finally the outer edge of the right sidewalk. MM2 automatically renders the vertical sides of the sidewalks and the road surface vertices are expected to be located 15 cm below the sidewalk vertices.

This type of roads use three textures. The texture attribute points out texture n, this texture is used to render the road surface. This texture is mirrored along the center line of the road. The sidewalks are rendered using texture n + 1 and texture n + 2 is the texture used across the entire road in the lowest LOD, or level of detail, of the road segment.

struct Road
    bit                         lastAttribute;
    bit[4]                      type = 0x00;
    bit[3]                      subtype = 0x00;
    bit[8]                      padding = 0x00;
    ushort                      nSections;
    ushort[(nSections + 1) * 4] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list
struct Road
    bit                       lastAttribute;
    bit[4]                    type = 0x00;
    bit[3]                    subtype != 0x00;
    bit[8]                    padding = 0x00;
    ushort[(subtype + 1) * 4] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list

Divided roads

0x08 Divided road.jpg

The vertices in each cross section are organized like this: First comes the vertex defining the position of the outer edge of the left sidewalk, then follows the outer edge of the left road surface, the inner edge of the left road surface, the inner edge of the right road surface, the outer edge of the right road surface and finally the outer edge of the right sidewalk. MM2 automatically renders the vertical sides of the sidewalks and the road surface vertices are expected to be located 15 cm below the sidewalk vertices.

The road surface and sidewalks are rendered in the same way as the road with sidewalk attributes.

Divider type

Several types of dividers can be created by using various parameters to the divided road strip attributes. First we have a flags parameter, the flags paramter is divided into two parts, it is currently not 100% clear how many bits belong to which part, but the examined road attributes in SF and London indicates that at least the two lowest bits of the flags parameter is a divider type.

In addition to the flags parameter there is also an extra texture reference and a value parameter. These are used differently depending on the divider type.

0 - Invisible
No divider is rendered, but the bound is there.
1 - Flat
A flat divider is in the same height as the road surfaces, the value parameter defines how many times the texture is repeated across the divider.
2 - Elevated
The value parameter specifies the height of the divider and the width of the side strips.
3 - Wedged
A wedged divider is always one metre high. The top of the sloping sides are always 0.5 metres towards the center of the road from the given divider vertices. The remaining width between the two divider vertices are filled by a flat top strip.


Only two flags are known, besides the two type bits, those control the closing of the short-ends of the divider. Bit seven closes the divider at the start and bit eight closes the divider at the end. The first section of a divided road should close it's start, the last section should close it's end. Intermediary sections shouldn't close anything.


All dividers in these examples use the same textures as indicated in this image:


The texture index, n, in this case n = 5, points to the texture used for the sides of an elevated divider. n + 1 is used for a flat divider, the sidestrips of an elevated divider and the sloping sides of a wedge divider. Texture n + 2 is used for the center strip of an elevated or wedge divider. Finally, texture n + 3 is used to close the dividers.

struct DividedRoad
    bit                   lastAttribute;
    bit[4]                type = 0x08;
    bit[3]                subtype = 0x00;
    bit[8]                padding = 0x00;
    ushort                nSections;
    ubyte                 flags;
    ubyte                 texture;    // Index in the texture list + 1 for the divider
    ushort[nSections * 6] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list
struct DividedRoad
    bit                 lastAttribute;
    bit[4]              type = 0x08;
    bit[3]              subtype != 0x00;
    bit[8]              padding = 0x00;
    ubyte               flags;
    ubyte               texture;    // Index in the texture list + 1 for the divider
    ushort[subtype * 6] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list


Most of the buildings in a city is constructed using PSDL attributes. These are well suited for low detailed buildings. For higher detail levels, add INST-placed PKGs as parts of or complete buildings.

Roof triangle fans

The roof of a building is made up of triangle fans, these are encoded in the same way as regular triangle fans witrh the difference of an added height reference. The y-component of each of the points making up the fan is replaced by the height this reference indicates.

struct RoofTriangleFan
    bit               lastAttribute;
    bit[4]            type = 0x0c;
    bit[3]            subtype = 0x00;
    bit[8]            padding = 0x00;
    ushort            nVertices; 
    ushort            heightRef;  // Index in the height list
    ushort[nVertices] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list
struct RoofTriangleFan
    bit                 lastAttribute;
    bit[4]              type = 0x0c;
    bit[3]              subtype != 0x00;
    bit[8]              padding = 0x00;
    ushort              heightRef;  // Index in the height list
    ushort[subtype + 2] vertexRefs; // Indices in the vertex list

Facade bounds

To simplify collision detection, each facade has a single quad bound surface. When facades are divided into several sections with different texture maps, it is not necessary to check for collisions against every subdivision since they are all covered by a single quad. Checking against this quad is sufficient. The quad is constructed by taking the two given vertices as the bottom side of the quad and then substituting the y-component in these vertices to construct the corresponding vertices at the top of the quad. This means that the top of a facade bound is always perfectly horizontal, but this is also the case for the facades and the roofs. The bottom edge of the facade bound can, however, be slanted. This acommodates the possibility of a sliver on the facade.

struct FacadeBound
    bit    lastAttribute;
    bit[4] type = 0x07;
    bit[3] subtype = 0x04;
    bit[8] padding = 0x00;
    ushort angle; // Angle between 0-255 determines the angle
                  // between the facade and the sunlight 
    ushort top;   // Index in the height list
    ushort left;  // Index in the vertex list
    ushort right; // Index in the vertex list