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The TEX file format is a format for storing bit mapped images. This format is made by Angel Studios for their games.

All TEX files start with a header, this header have information about the image, such as width, height and the format of the image data. After the header comes data that depend on the type of the image.

The mips value of the header indicates the number of mip maps that are stored in this file. The mip maps are always a quarter of the size of the previous image stored in the file.

The type value defines how the pixel data is stored according to this table:

type = 1 (P8)
This is a palette based image. First comes a colour palette, a list of blue, green, red and alpha colour components. After the palette comes the pixels - a matrix of references to the palette list.
type = 14 (PA8)
This is a palette based image. First comes a colour palette, a list of blue, green, red and alpha colour components. After the palette comes the pixels - a matrix of references to the palette list.
type = 17 (RGB888)
This is a non-palette based image. The image data is a matrix of colour values on the form red, green and blue.
type = 18 (RGBA8888)
This is a non-palette based image. The image data is a matrix of colour values on the form red, green, blue and alpha.

At the moment the difference between type 1 (P8) and type 14 (PA8) is unknown.

In all types, the actual pixel matrix is organized as one horizontal line after each other, starting with the top row. Each row goes from left to right.

The bits parameter is probably not only bits. It has been found that a value of 0x04 makes the alpha channel affect reflection rather than transparency.

The format can be described in a pseudo C-style manner:

struct Header
    ushort width;     // Width of image in pixels
    ushort height;    // Height of image in pixels
    ushort type;      // Type of image, see below
    ushort mips;      // Indicates how many mip maps this file contains
    ushort unknown;   // Unknown
    ulong  bits;      // Flags
struct colourMapEntryA8
    byte blue;
    byte green;
    byte red;
    byte alpha;
struct Pixel8
    byte colourMapIndex;  // Offset in the colour map list
struct Pixel888
    byte red;
    byte green;
    byte blue;
struct Pixel8888
    byte red;
    byte green;
    byte blue;
    byte alpha;
struct TEXFile_P8
    struct Header                                 header;
    struct ColourMapEntryA8[256]                  palette;
    struct Pixel8[header.width * header.height]   imageData;
struct TEXFile_PA8               
    struct Header                                 header;
    struct ColourMapEntryA8[256]                  palette;
    struct Pixel8[header.width * header.height]   imageData;
struct TEXFile_RGB888               
    struct Header                                 header;
    struct Pixel888[header.width * header.height] imageData;
struct TEXFile_RGBA8888
    struct Header                                  header;
    struct Pixel8888[header.width * header.height] imageData;

The imageData arrays shown here contains the first image. After this array all other mip maps are stored, the width and height are halved for every mip map.