Pedestrian model

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  • version: 1.09

This probably identifies the version of the file format, the pedestrians in MM2 all use 1.09 even though the male and female models are made slightly different.

  • verts: <integer>
    The number of vertices used by this model.
  • normals: <integer>
    The number of normal vectors used by this model.
  • colors: <integer>
    The models in MM2 only define one colour, so this value is always one. I'm not sure how the colours are used.
  • tex1s: <integer>
    Number of texture coordinates for texture 1.
  • tex2s: <integer>
    Number of texture coordinates for texture 2. This implies that each face in the model could have two blended textures - two separate sets of texture coordinates. Unfortunately the MM2 models always specify 0 here.
  • tangents: <integer>
    I know what the mathematical definition of a tangent is, but I failed to see how this applies to these models. The MM2 models always use 0 here.
  • materials: <integer>
    The faces of the model are grouped by the material, or shader, they use. This indicates the number of such groups. This is equal to the number of shaders in each "paint job". See pedmodel_*.shaders.
  • adjuncts: <integer>
    The faces of the model are joined with adjuncts, this parameter indicates the total number of adjuncts in this model.
  • primitives: <integer>
    This is the total number of faces in this model.
  • matrices: <integer>
    The model is mapped to a skeleton, see pedmodel_*.skel. Each end point of a skeleton bone has a transformation matrix. This parameter defines how many such matrices this model uses. This is equal to the number of bones in the skeleton.


After the header comes a list of all the vertices used in the model. Each vertex is on the format:

  • v <float> <float> <float>
    where the floats are x, y and z respectively.

Then follows a list of normal vectors, they have a similar format:

  • n <float> <float> <float>
    where the floats are x, y and z respectively.

After the normals comes the colours, I can only guess the order of the colour components since all MM2 models define only one colour, the whitest white:

  • c <float> <float> <float> <float>
    where the floats are red, green, blue and alpha respectively.

Now comes the texture coordinates, first set number one:

  • t1 <float> <float>
    where the floats are s and t respectively.

Then follows the second set:

  • t2 <float> <float>

The original MM2 models actually have one set of texture coordinates defined, but since no texture sheet is supplied in the shaders, they are not used in game.


Now all basic data is defined, now the file defines the various groups of faces. These groups the faces to the shaders. The order of these groups is important - it must match the order of the shaders defined in the pedmodel_*.shaders file. Each group has a name constructed of a model name and a group name. Both of these are text names without whitespace. A group definition starts with this:

  • mtl <modelname>:<groupname> {

And ends with:

  • }

Between these comes several parameters:

  • adjuncts: <integer>
    packets: <integer>
    This is where the definitions of pedmodel_man.mod and pedmodel_woman.mod differs. The former is defined using packets while the latter isn't. "adjuncts" defines the number of adjuncts that belong to this group. When using packets, the number of adjuncts are specified later. The packets parameter defines the number of packets that belong to this group.
  • primitives: <integer>
    The total number of primitives, or faces, used by this group.
  • textures: <integer>
    The number of textures used in this group, possibly limited to 0, 1 or 2.
  • illum: <illumination type>
    Defines the type of illumination model to use for this group, I have only seen the value diffuse here, but I have a faint memory of figuring out a list of other possible choices. Can't find it now...
  • ambient: <float> <float> <float>
    Defines the default ambient colour for this group, the floats are red, green and blue colour components respectively.
  • diffuse: <float> <float> <float>
    Defines the default diffuse colour for this group, the floats are red, green and blue colour components respectively.
  • specular: <float> <float> <float>
    Defines the default specular colour for this group, the floats are red, green and blue colour components respectively.

Since the parameters ambient, diffuse and specular will be overridden by the shaders file, I don't really know what these are for. Perhaps they are used if a paint job that doesn't exist is requested by the MM2 engine.

If the parameter textures isn't 0, the texture names are listed here on this format:

  • texture: <int> <texturename>
    where the int is the index of the texture, starting with 0(?) and texturename is a string defining the filename of the texture without extension. Since the texture names are also overridden by the shaders file, I'm not sure what these are for.

If the groups does not define any packets, the group definitions are followed by one list of adjuncts and one list of primitives. Each adjunct is defines like this:

  • adj <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
    Where the ints are vertex index, normal index, colour index, texture coordinate index in set 1 and texture coordinate index in set 2 respectively.

Each primitive used in the MM2 models are triangles, it might be possible to use quads as well, but this is uncertain. The triangle primitives are defined like this:

  • tri <int> <int> <int>
    Where the ints are vertex indices of the three corners of the triangle. At the moment I can't recall if the front face is defined in a clockwise or counter clockwise order.

The way to discriminate which adjuncts and primitives belong to which material group, the order and count of the adjuncts and primitives of each group is used. If the first group has 90 adjuncts and 30 primitives and the second group has 6 adjuncts and 2 primitives, MM2 uses the first 90 adjuncts from the adjunct list and the 30 first primitives from the primitive list for the first material group. The following 6 adjuncts in the adjunct list and the following 2 primitives are assigned to the second material group and so on.

If packets are used, this is indicated by the prescense of the packet parameter in the material groups, the adjuncts and primitives are defined differently. Each packet has it's own adjunct and primitive lists. A packet also has a list of matrix indices. A packet starts with:

  • packet <int> <int> <int> {
    Where the ints are number of adjuncts, number of primitives and number of matrices, contained in this packet, respectively, and ends with:
  • }

Within the packet is first the list of adjuncts, then the list of primitives and last the list of matrix indices. The adjunct list is different from before, each adjunct looks like this:

  • adj <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
    Where the ints are vertex index, normal index, colour index, texture coordinate index in set 1, texture coordinate index in set 2 and matrix index respectively. The matrix index is an index in the packet's list of matrices. The matrix list is defined like this:
  • mtx <int> <int> ...
    Where the ints are the number of the corresponing bone in the skeleton.

Note that the former method, the method without packets, doesn't specify what matrices, or bones, are connected in an obvious way. Instead two more lists are placed last in the pedmodel_*.mod file. These lists are present even if the model uses packets, I don't know if it has to, but it is in the models used in MM2. The last lists are used to assign each vertex and normal to a bone. This means that the vertices and normals must be grouped by bones in their respective lists. First comes a list assigning bones to each vertex:

  • mtxv <int> <int> ...
    Where the first int is the number of vertices, counted from the beginning of the vertex list, that are connected to the first bone, the second int is the number of consequtive vertices connected to the second bone and so on. This list has the same number of ints as the number of matrices specified in the header and the sum of all values equals the total number of vertices in the vertex list.

After this comes a similar list assigning a bone to each normal vector. It is defined in the same way:

  • mtxn <int> <int> ...