
From Mm2kiwi
Revision as of 19:03, 6 August 2006 by Fre-Ber (talk | contribs) (Initial description, copied from Drivers and Stereos posts on mm2c)

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The dgBangerData files are used to define collision properties for PKG objects. These properties define how an object behaves when something collides with it. The format is ASCII-based and made up of tag-value rows grouped in blocks between { and } symbols.

The files start with a definition of the type of banger data given. None of the MM2 files use anything but type a, like this:

type: a

Next comes the main dgBangerData block:

dgBangerData {

<tags> is replaced by a list of tags from the following table. The order of the tags may be significant, but some tags may be omitted from the file.

Tags of the dgBangerData block
tag format Description
AudioId int Index in a list of sound effects the object makes when collided with
Size float float float Width, height and depth of the bounding box around the object
CG float float float Center of gravity, rotation takes place around this point
NumGlows int 0=no effect, 1=light glow at night
Mass float Mass of the object in kilograms, closely related to the objects weight
Elasticity float Controls the bounciness of the object
Friction float friction coefficient, determines how much force is required to slide along the surface of the object
ImpulseLimit2 float Force required to move the object
SpinAxis int Unknown, always set to 0 in MM2 files
Flash int Unknown
NumParts int Unknown
BirthRule block Particle effect for collision, see below
TexNumber int Unknown, possibly related to paintjob index
BillFlags int Unknown, 0, 64, 128 and 512 are used in MM2 files
YRadius float Unknown
ColliderId int Unknown
CollisionPrim int Unknown, values 0, 1 and 2 are used in MM2 files
CollisionType int Unknown, values 4, 16 and 48 are used in MM2 files

The BirthRule block is the same as used in the asBirthRule files used to define particle effects caused by player vehicles.