
From Mm2kiwi
Revision as of 19:55, 6 August 2006 by Fre-Ber (talk | contribs) (Oops, forgot the table rows)

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The asBirthRule files define a particle effect. A particle effect is an effect where many, small objects are spewed out from a point at certain occasions. For weather effects, the particles can be rain drops, for colliding with a parking meter, the particles may be coins.

The format is ASCII-based and consist of a block enclosed by { and }.

The files start with a definition of the type of banger data given. None of the MM2 files use anything but type a, like this:

type: a

Next comes the main asBirthRule block:

asBirthRule {

This block can contain several tag-value parameters:

Tags of the asBirthRule block
tag format Description
Position float float float Position where particles originate
PositionVar float float float -

is randomly modified within this range

Velocity float float float Velocity and direction of the particles when created
VelocityVar float float float Variance in velocity, the velocity is randomly modified within this range
Life float Life-time of the particles
LifeVar float Variance in life-time
Mass float Mass of a particle
MassVar float Variance in particle mass
Radius float Size of a particle
RadiusVar float Variance in particle size
Drag float Unknown
DragVar float Variance in drag
Damp float Unknown
DampVar float Variance in damp
DRadius float Unknown
DRadiusVar float Variance in dradius
DAlpha float Unknown
DAlphaVar float Variance in dalpha
DRotation float Unknown
DRotationVar float Variance in drotation
InitialBlast int Unkown, maybe number of particles created immediately on activation
SpewRate float rate of new particles per second?
SpewTimeLimit float Maximum time, in seconds, for particle creation
Gravity float Gravitational factor for particles, for Earth conditions enter -9.8 or thereabaouts
TexFrameStart int Index of the first frame of particle animation in the image
TexFrameEnd int Index of the last frame of particle animation in the image
BirthFlags int Unknown
Height float Unknown
Intensity float Unknown
Color int Unknown

The global particle effects use the texture image named "TODO: I could have sworn that I saw an image where the indices matched all of the default vehicular particle effect, now I can't find it", but object collision particle effects may use other images, see dgBangerData.