File tree
The AR files of MM2 make up a common file tree, the files are extracted to a, shared, virtual file system when needed. The structure of this file system is as follows:
- root
- anim
Animated objects
The anim folder holds definitions of the animated objects of MM2. These are the pedestrians.
- *.anim
Animation sequence
Each animation sequence, associated with a state, is made up by a number of key frames. Each key frame has several parameters that should be applied to each bone in the skeleton. By moving the skeleton, the entire model will move.
- *.csv
Animation state model
The animation of a pedestrian is based on a state model. A pedestrian is always in a specific state and each state is connected to an animation sequence. For example, if the pedestrian is in the state "WALK", the animation named pedanim_womwalk.anim is looping over and over again. When something happens, the pedestrian might make a transition from one state to another.
- *.rays
Unknown: rays
- *.shaders
Shader definitions
The shaders are defined in exactly the same way as for PKG objects. The pedmodel_*.shaders files follow the specification of the PKGFileData in the PKG file format.
- *.skel
All the parts of a pedestrian model are bound to a skeleton. A skeleton is constructed by a number of bones that are attached with joints. In MM2 the skeletons are defined using a tree structure.
- *.mod
Geometry model
The pedmodel_*.mod files define the actual 3D model of a pedestrian. It defines vertices, some material attributes and the surfaces of the model.
- *.anim
- aud
Audio files
- bound
- city
City definitions
Each MM2 city has a number of files defining the actual city, its geometry, monuments, traffic flows and so on. Many of the files that controls these things are stored in the city folder.
- <cityname>
- audio_pathsets
- *.pathset
Local city sound placement
- *.pathset
- decals.pathset
Decal placements
Decals are flat images that can be placed on the ground and on facades to increase the visual detail level. Decals are placed using pathset files.
- props.pathset
Prop placements
Props are, typically, small 3D objects like road cones, park benches and similar that can be placed around the city. Props are placed using pathset files.
- propdefs.csv
Roadside prop definitions
The roads defined by the PSDL file can be automatically be filled with props. This file defines repetiton controls for certain props. The proprules file controls which of these props are to be placed next in line.
- proprules.csv
Roadside prop rules
The roads defined by the PSDL file can be automatically be filled with props. This file defines the sequencing of the prop definitions defined in the propdefs file. The PSDL file selects a proprule index from this file for each road.
- audio_pathsets
- <cityname>.aimap
Ambient control file
This file controls what ambients are present in this city.
- <cityname>.bai
Ambient path file
This file defines where and how the ambients may move in the city. See BAI for details.
- <cityname>.cpvs
Potentially visible set definition
MM2 uses a PVS, or potentially visible set, algorithm to speed up rendering of each game frame. These files contain the pre-calculated PVS tree. See CPVS for details.
- <cityname>.inst
Stationary objects
For stationary objects that require more detail than the PSDL file can provide, the INST file can be used to place PKG objects throughout the city. These objects will not move for anything.
- *.ldef
- <cityname>.lmap
Light map definition
- <cityname>.lt*
- materials.csv
Material mappings
This file simply lists what material should be used together with which image map.
- materials.mtl
Material definitions
Defines material properties such as friction and possible particle effecs that apply to a particular type of surface.
- <cityname>.psdl
City geometry
The PSDL file defines the major geometry of the city. All roads and most buildings are defined with this file.
- <cityname>.sky
Sky dome definition
Defines the name of the sky dome object and the position for the center of this dome relative to the PSDL.
- <cityname>.water
Water of death definition
Defines the height of deadly water - if a vehicle goes below this height it sleeps with the fishes. Possibly a list of PSDL block ids can be listed for blocks that define deadly water at any height.
- <cityname>
- geometry
Object definitions
The geometry of generic 3D objects are defined by PKG files. These are used for many things, from player vehicles to statues and complex facades.
- *.pkg
Object geometry
Actual geometry is defined in these files, definition can be found here.
- *.mtx
- *.pkg
- jpg
Game interface graphics
- texture
Game image maps
- *.tex
Custom image map file
The TEX file format is a format for storing bit mapped images. This format is made by Angel Studios for their games.
- *.tga
Targa image map file
- *.tex
- race
Race definitions
- <cityname>
- *.aimap
Ambient control file (Amateur)
- *.aimap_p
Ambient control file (Professional)
- <racename>waypoints.csv
Race waypoint positioning
- <racename>data.csv
Race waypoint positioning
- <eventname>.csv
Event definition
- mm[blitz|circuit|crash|race]data.csv
Race progression definitions
- multicopwaypoints.csv
Cops and robbers locations
- <cityname>_rewards.csv
Race reward definitions
- <racename>-[a|p]-<n>.opp
Opponent definitions
- <racename>.pathset
Race props
- *.aimap
- <cityname>
- scene
- modtypes.ini
Mod types?
- modtypes.ini
- tune
Tuning information
- banger
- camera
- <vehiclename>[_dash].camPovCS
Camera definitions
- <vehiclename>_[NEAR|FAR].camTrackCS
Camera tracking definitions
- <vehiclename>[_dash].camPovCS
- effects
- <effectname>.asBirthRule
Particle effect definition
Particle effects are used in weather, vehicle effects and collisions. The format is described here.
- <effectname>.asBirthRule
- vehicle
- <vehiclename>.aiVehicleData
Ambient vehicle data
- <vehiclename>.asNode
Joystick/Wheel settings
- <vehiclename>.dgTrailerJoint
Trailer joint information
- <vehiclename>.vehCarDamage
Vehicle damage control
- <vehiclename>[_opp].vehCarSim
Vehicle tuning
- <vehiclename>.vehGyro
Vehicle stability
- <vehiclename>.vehStuck
Vehicle instability
- <vehiclename>.vehTrailer
Vehicle trailer information
- <vehiclename>.aiVehicleData
- [rain|snow].asBirthRule
Weather particle effect
- <vehiclename>.asNode
Vehicle control settings
- <vehiclename>_dash.asNode
Vehicle dashboard settings
- <cityname>.cinfo
City definitions
- <vehiclename>.dgTrailerJoint
Trailer joint settings
- <vehiclename>.info
Vehicle information
- menu.csv
- widget.csv
Game interface widgets
- <cityname>.mmHudMap
Hudmap definitions
- <vehiclename>.mmMirror
Vehicle rear view mirror definition
- <texturenamestem>.movie
Animated image sequence definition
- <vehiclename>.vehTrailer
Vehicle trailer information
- anim