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Each city has one PSDL-file. This file defines roads, ground surface and buildings. In addition, the PSDL-file also provides an easy way to automatically place props along roads etc. This is particularly good for placing street lights, parking meters and similar objects.

The geometry of a city is divided into blocks. A block is a small section of the city, similar to the regular definition of a city block. One difference, though, is that roads and intersections are also placed in their own blocks.

The block structure is used for all kinds of things in the game. Most obvious are visible surface identification, collision detection, ambient "intelligence", etc. All of these are calculated with respect of the block structure.

Format description


A PSDL-file is built up in several sections. The first section defines several lists of resources used in the other sections. The first list is a list of vertices. All geometrical primitives, or block attributes, reference vertices from this list. Then follows a list of floating point heights. These are used for facades and roof attributes. After the heights list comes a list of texture names. Like the vertex and height lists, the geometry references textures in this list by an index.


The next section defines all the blocks in the city. First comes a list defining the perimeter of the block. This is a list of vertex references that defines a clockwise triangle fan surrounding the entire block. Each vertex reference is an index into the vertex list in the first section. Accompanied with each vertex reference is a block index. This block index indicates that the referenced block connects to this one at this point. To give the possibility that a vertex does not connect this block with another, all block indices are added by one. Zero means that no block connects at this vertex and n means that block n-1 connects at this vertex. If more than one block connects at the same vertex, the vertex is repeated in the perimeter list for each of the connecting blocks.

After the perimeter comes a list of the various geometric primitives, or block attributes, that defines the interior of the block. Each of these attributes has a different structure. All known attributes are described on the Block attributes page. Even though the structure differs from attribute to attribute, each attribute is identified by an attribute id. This id is a 16 bit integer, but only the lowest seven bits control the type of the attribute. If bit eight is set, this attribute is the last attribute to be rendered. The MM2 renderer won't render anything after the last attribute even if there are more attributes in the list.

After the block definitions comes a list of eight bit flags, one byte for each block. The bits define the type of the block. Some flags are still unknown, but this is the current interpretation:

Unknown, this bit is never used
Subteranean, this bit is set for blocks that are located below ground level. For example subways.
Plain, standard, ground level block.
Road, all blocks with roads should have this bit set.
Intersection, all blocks that serves as intersections for ambient traffic and pedestrians should have this bit set.
Warp Room, used on anything above or below ground level (effect?)
INST, all blocks containing INST objects should have this bit set.

After the list of block types comes yet another list with one value for each block. This list is a list of indices into the file proprules.csv. If a block path goes through a block, this index is the proprule that defines how and what props are placed in each block. The index is the line number in the text file proprules.csv and zero means that there are no props in this block.


The dimensions of the entire city are defined in a section that follows after the prop rule definitions. This section defines a bounding box, first the minimum x, y and z values of all vertices, then the maximum. In addition to the bounding box, this section also defines a bounding sphere by a center and a radius.

In Midnight Club, another game that uses the same or a similar graphics engine, it appears as if this section is extended with a large number of bounding spheres. Perhaps one for each city block. This information is not yet confirmed.


TODO: This section was previously interpreted as road definitions with a strong connection to BAI. But Driver has proven that this section in fact defines paths for roadside props. The description will be updated accordingly.


In a pseudo-C style structure, a PSDL-file looks like this:

struct PSDL
    char[4]               identifier = "PSD0";
    ulong                 targetSize = 2;  // Unknown
    ulong                 nVertices;       // Number of vertices
    Vertex[nVertices]     vertices;
    ulong                 nHeights;        // Number of heights
    float[nHeights]       heights;
    ulong                 nTextures;       // Number of textures + 1
    String[nTextures - 1] textures;
    ulong                 nBlocks;         // Number of blocks + 1
    ulong                 unknown0;        // Number of junctions?
    Block[nBlocks - 1]    blocks;
    char                  unknown1 = 0x00;
    char[nBlocks - 1]     blockType;       // List of bytes with block type flags
    char                  unknown2 = 0xcd;
    char[nBlocks - 1]     propRule;        // Identifies what prop rule to use for each
                                           // block, in case a prop path traverses the
                                           // block
    // Terrain dimensions:
    Vertex                min;             // min and max defines a bounding box around
                                           // the entire terrain
    Vertex                max;
    Vertex                center;          // Center of bounding sphere
    float                 radius;          // Radius of bounding sphere

    // Block based props section:
    ulong                 nPaths;          // Number of prop path definitions
    BlockPath[nPaths]     paths;
struct Vertex
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
struct String
    uchar            length;            // Length of string including terminator
    char[length - 1] string;            // ASCII characters of name part of a texture
                                        // filename
    char             terminator = 0x00;
struct Block
    ulong                            nPerimeterPoints; // Number of perimeter points
    ulong                            attributeSize;    // Size of attribute list
    PerimeterPoint[nPerimeterPoints] perimeter;
    ushort[attributeSize]            attributes;
struct PerimeterPoint
    ushort vertex;  // index in vertex list
    ushort block;   // index in block list + 1
struct BlockPath // TODO: This description is wrong, it reflects a previous
                 // misconception about a connection to the BAI file.
                 // It adds up, but some of the parameter names are
                 // wrong.
    ushort                   unknown4;
    ushort                   unknown5;
    ubyte                    nFLanes;         // Number of lanes in the forward
                                              // direction?
    ubyte                    nBLanes;         // Number of lanes in the
                                              // backward direction?
    float[nFLanes + nBLanes] density;         // Traffic density on each lane?
    ushort                   unknown6;        // Looks like some flags in a
                                              // bit-field.
    ushort[4]                startCrossroads; // Vertices defining the road
                                              // part of a crossing at the
                                              // start of the road.
    ushort[4]                endCrossroads;   // Vertices defining the road
                                              // part of a crossing at the end
                                              // of the road.
    uchar                    nRoadBlocks;     // Number of blocks that make up
                                              // this road.
    ushort[nRoadBlocks]      roadBlocks;      // Block ID + 1 of each block
                                              // that makes up this road.